Salt - Interesting Facts

Roman troopers were here and there paid in salt - which is the place "pay" originates from. Hard to spend it in eateries today however. 

Each cell in the body contains salt - a grown-up contains around 250 grams, proportionate to a crate of Maldon Salt. 

In old Japanese theaters, salt was sprinkled on to the phase before every execution to keep detestable spirits from doing magic on the on-screen characters. Sprinkling salt around your home may have a similar impact today. 

Salt is utilized to expel hints of water from flight fuel after it is decontaminated. 

At one time salt bars were the standard money of Ethiopia. It's as yet worth taking a pack of Maldon, for crises. 

Salt was utilized to save Egyptian mummies (and in the pies eaten by Egyptian daddies). 

Salt evacuates red wine stains (however likely not from your best cream cover). 

Sodium is enter in the operation of all signs inside, and in addition to and from, the cerebrum.

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