At whatever point you go to Barnes and Noble or Borders or some other book shop, you will discover a segment of books that gives insider facts. There are books on the privileged insights of golf, getting more fit, time administration, contributing cash and barbecue cooking. Truth be told, most likely whatever you consider, there is a book with the mystery of doing it. Why are these books prevalent? We as a whole need to know the insider facts of accomplishment. 

In 2 Timothy, we discover the Apostle Paul composing a letter to urge and to exhort his young protégé Timothy on being a Minister of the Gospel. It is an imperative letter since Paul comprehends that, at this phase in his life, each letter might be his last. He comprehends the desperation to compose what was on his heart. In part four of this book, Paul provides for Timothy the mystery of winning the world to Christ. It is found in one explanation, however in that announcement we see his mystery and his recommendation to Timothy. So what counsel does he provide for Timothy? 

See that he doesn't state, "Take no chances." He doesn't state, "Relax." He doesn't state, "Search out the most recent pattern in the public eye and expand on it." His message is brief and clear. Paul says to Timothy, "Lecture the Word." 

Consider that. These are a portion of the last expressions of the Apostle Paul. A few researchers trust that these words were composed only half a month prior to he was martyred, and we discover him giving urging words to help Timothy to win the world for Christ. He needs to rouse Timothy him to do God's work. He needs to move Timothy with the goal that Timothy won't get debilitated in his service. In that setting Paul shouts out, "Lecture the Word!"

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