You likewise need to hear each new word 5 to 10 times in the event that you need to recollect that it. That is the reason we utilize similar words in one level. On the off chance that you read and hear similar words over and over, you will comprehend them and recollect that them. On the off chance that you know words from one level, you can go to a larger amount and learn new words. It is vital to go well ordered, and read and tune in to words which are utilized as a part of English regularly. This is our main thing with our news. In our short news, we utilize words which are utilized as a part of English regularly. Level 1 has the 1000 most critical words. Level 2 has the 2000 most critical words, Level 3 has the 3000 most vital words. 

Along these lines, on the off chance that you need to comprehend English quick and catch on quickly, read two articles or progressively a day. You can enhance your perusing and listening immediately when you read simple English news. We will help you catch on quickly and comprehend it. When you utilize this site each day, you can learn 3000 words which you requirement for correspondence with anyone in English.

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