Nepali girls f!ghting in school dress

For some youngsters in Qatar and around the globe, school breaks are an opportunity to invest energy far from the classroom and play around with family and companions. 

In any case, two privately based secondary school understudies have turned that thought on its head, choosing rather to go through their winter occasion with finish outsiders at a school in Nepal. 

Roused by a discussion given a couple of months prior in Doha by an UN help specialist, Sirius Ganesh and Sascha Zierbock sorted out a casual school supply gift drive for understudies in Katmandu.The 16-year-olds, who hail from India and Germany separately, then went to Nepal themselves to convey the accumulation in the wake of planning with the UN laborer, Peter Dalglish. 

Dalglish has made the non-benefit Himalayan Voluntourism which attempts to enhance and bolster schools and group and learning focuses in a very devastated range of Nepal that is situated around 200km west of Kathmandu.

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